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By June 9, 2015November 17th, 2015Animation blog


It really is a hard push to find anything that isn’t knockout coming from the infamous Gobelins animation school.  Myosis is just yet another example of it’s students gifts in narrative, technique and design working in pure harmony.  Simply beautiful.

By definition, ‘myosis’ is the constriction of the iris which decreases the diameter of the pupil. It’s an unconscious phenomenon which can be triggered by an intense light, fear, or the effect of epiphany. With the GOBELINS grads, ‘myosis’ is not only an unconscious phenomenon, but also the magnificence of the violent moment of revelation. Running through this animated short is a love story of passion, destruction and reconciliation fully takes shape and engulfs the audience in an endless ride of reflection and contemplation. What plays for 3 minutes seems to last forever.

It’s also an ode to how important collaboration is -with five gifted directors clearly working together to such great effect:

Myosis is a graduation film for animation school Gobelins co-directed byGuillaume Dousse, Emmanuel Asquier-Brassart, Ricky Cometa, Adrien Gromelle, and Thibaud Petitpas.